To register for this fascinating study of the Old Testament, please follow this link: Beholding Your King
In Beholding Your King, we’ll study King David, select psalms, the temple, and many Old Testament prophets and see the ways in which they all point to the coming King of Kings, Jesus Christ. This Bible study is the second part of a two-part series, the first of which was Beholding His Glory. It is not necessary to have participated in the first study in order to participate in this study.
During this nine-week study, we will learn about the prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament, and their effect on people past and present. We will discuss Psalm 23, the most familiar of all the psalms, which has comforted people throughout the centuries. We will also dive into God’s steady purpose in both the Old and New Covenants, and the promises He kept to all of us. For questions, please contact Andrea Siemer at [email protected] or call (513) 494-4678, ext. 1011 for more information.