When we began our “Rosary Challenge for Life” crusade in June 2019, many doubted if Roe v Wade would be overturned in our lifetime. By the grace of God, Roe v Wade was overturned on June 24, 2022! Abortion was no longer protected by the US Constitution. Nevertheless, the battle to save millions of unborn children from the heinous murder of abortion has returned to the states and continues to be the top critical issue in the United States.
We are again calling on you to take up the “Rosary Challenge For Life” to pray the rosary daily, to fast in some way as the Lord leads you, and to abstain from meat on Fridays for these Pro-Life intentions:
1. Legal Protection For Unborn Children.
2. Victory for Pro-life Candidates to End Abortion in America.
3. Repentance, Healing, and Conversion for those involved in abortion.
At the end of each rosary, please pray: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Save and Protect our Unborn Children.
*The Rosary Challenge for Life began on July 1st, but it is never too late to start. Please join us as we pray for the protection and dignity of our unborn children.